world of


The great icosidodecahedron.

The Dron is the polyhedron where the world unfolds.

Clearly symmetric and strangely unbalanced, the Dron is a beautiful and wild place that is in dire need of heroes to explore its vertices and conquer its mysteries.

Are you curious?

Read the Introduction. Or skip to the lore section for a quick find.


In Dron, places are divided into Crowns which are pentagonal valleys, Triffs that are triangular highlands surrounded by three mountains each.

Click on any shape on the map to learn more about Dron's unique layout.

Star Star Aavorak Aavorak Fawning Fawning White White Dreaming Dreaming Caw Caw Giants Giants Fools Fools Hags Hags Wardens Wardens Unnamed Lahara's Lahara's Grave Grave Unnamed Night Night Stag Stag Unnamed Unnamed Thorns Thorns Ivy Ivy Bale Crown Bale Antic Crown Antic Traven Crown Traven Sullen Crown Sullen Killey Crown Killey Preth Crown Preth Drat Crown Drat Loom Crown Loom Bonaire Crown Bonaire Starward Crown Starward Silf Crown Silf Mint Crown Mint


Beyond telling a story, Dron has lore.


The Winding Shard

A map of the known areas of the winding shard.
Very inaccurate, but still better than no map at all.
~ Buhr's comment on the shards map.

Adventure leads to the Winding shard! Where all sorts of nasty things can happen.

Read more.