Heroes of Dron
Aleen van Stroop

A notable pirate that rampages free, changing ships as she changes names. She is not as evil as she is unpredictable.
Buhr the Boneless

Buhr is a colectionist, philantropist, and researcher. He's also an octopus.
Kai Lonewolf


~ Testudini's words to Bale.
The leader of the rebels who claim that society, religion and civilization has taken too much and given to little. Testudini fights to destroy the corwns and let nature prosper agian in their place.
Dwin son of Himself, lord of Pires.
A dwarf king that died, met Death, and decided to not die on account of being stubborn. He claims to have given birth to himself out of his will to exist.
He also is the last inhabitant of a ghost dwarf city and convinced them to aid him in his quest to rebuild the city of Pires, located at the shade of a giant cavern in Sullen crown.
The Doomcaller
A mythical being said to cause the doom to manifest, whose ultimate goal would be to shroud Dron in eternal darkness. Said to be the creator of the Vœrmen.
Broodmoor is a place and a person at the same time. Or what is left of a person. His body is a contorted land that seems to be constantly sour and spiteful.
Mister Book
A vampire, with a twisted visage that will always claim to help people. But has been labeled too many times and betrayed to the point of abandoning hope in the living all together. He has contracted the the "white collar" illness, which forces him to make the most of his time. Even while being immortal.
Rigbee the Ripper
Rigbee (or Bee, Rig, Rip, etc) is a very silent and quiet gnome. He never jokes or laughs until he goes into a laughing rage, which happens at least once a day. While raging he turns into a maniac that giggles and cackles while rampaging and being right down nasty to everyone and everything.
Kartoshka is an anti-hero, surviving to every single cataclysm by a hair, he is not witty or strong, he is just unlucky enough to famously be at the wrong place at the right time and the right place at the wrong time.
A wolfram dragon that acts as the supreme judge of the Hollow Shard also called the Judge. She has an inmense hoard that has been aquired (in all fairness) by taxing cargo ships that cross the shard.
Licannahuel is the only wolfram draon in existence.
One of the Judge's secret ambitions is to have a wyrmling of her own. To do this the must eat a large portion of her hoard which might not be large enough yet.
The Judge had a vision where another being sentenced her to death, and destroyed her. Which is why she must gather more gold before her doom befalls.