Dron's elements come from outside the universe. Beyond the mantle, beyond Doom, and beyond the beyond, there is what loremasters call the honneycomb.

Fire, the missing element
Fire is not easy to make in Dron.
You can bang rocks together. Rub those sticks till they break. But fire? No sirree.
Fire in Dron can be made in two ways:
- It can only be brought from the works, where it is mined and brought to the Hull as a commodity.
- It can also be produced by magic, for a price. Mages and clerics are always ready to benefit from the need for fire.
Fires can be started with fire of course, and propagation is possible. But every day after the hour all fires are extinguished no matter what.
On the Dron you also can also encounter four rare sub-elements that result from the honneycomb multiverse combinations.
Hot Ice
Is water that has been squished together very very tightly, it is extreamly heavy and hot, constantly steaming, but when cooled it turns into clear and pure water.
Frozen Fire
At the very top of some shards, you can find slow blue flames in small lakes or springs, the blue fire pours out and cools all it touches. Effectively freezing things that stay close enough to the flame.
Hard Air
Found scattered around the shards, hard air appears to be a transparent gem, sometimes as large as a mans head, but when weighed it is a light as a feather.
Air Stone
This mineral is indistinguishable from regular iron rich rock, but when enough of it is arranged in a circular manner it bends the laws of gravity pushing things away from itself. It is not uncommon to see boulders called stonebergs of this material floating in the shafts of the Works.