The magical practice of harnessing the power of the Hull itself.
The geomancers of Hull study the arcane geometric locations of the Hull where the power of the great icosidodecahedron converges into pentagrams of magical power beyond imagination.
Geomancers speak of The Six Great Circles that each hold a unique secret power. Most geomancers however seldom get out of their laboratories and spend most of their time drawing geometrical shapes on maps, so much of their craft is unknown to the rest of the world.
Triff centers
Each triangle that composes a triff has a temple of some sort, a druidic circle or a recently burned down geomancer tower. Triffs are wild by nature and if something has survived there long enough to become a ruin, it is best left unsearched, unless the need is great most long lived Hullians will take the long way around a triff center.
Shard vertex
The central line of a shard, which is not always on the topmost point of the shard itself is also used to coerce magic power by the school of geomancy.