The Hullians are far too many to name here. But one could attempt to generalize by naming the most common of them, where they live and what crowns they bellong to.
Wild, noble and proud inhabitants of the triffs. Beastfolk are not born but made. The tribes of their kin look for outcasts, outlaws or other lost folk in the wilderness, and then judge who to let into their kin. The ritual involves much blood to be spilled, and a single drop to be delivered to the initiated, afterwards transforming the newborn into one of the clan.
- Chimpfolk who cast spells with their feet.
- Penguinfolk that spend their lives with just one other penguinfolk.
- Lizardfolk, Molefolk, Catfolk, Hawkfolk, etc...
Shard dwellers
Something awesome because gnomes are awesome
Double errr
The Tzkii are also called mosquito people, mostly because no one can stand them, they are all certifiably insane and obsessed with the only thing they eat (or drink) which is blood, of any kind as long as it's fresh from their blood clock, a crude device they use to perform their bloodmagic rituals.
Half-troll half-something-else, these green skinned brutes are born huge in size, from big slimy eggs that grow in caves deep in the evergreen forests. A hatchery is a chaotic place, where screams of pain, from both the voermen and the dying things they torture before eating keep all who hear them well warned to stay away.
Are a very old race of stout, wide and hairy people who are made of living wood. They live in the forests away from civilization, and are particularly good psionicists and very fond of nature. They abhor towns and cities, and prefer to live solitary lives in their homes in the wilderness.