A forest of trees similar to willows with cutting red leaves. The Bladewoods house no creatures that have a soft external body, all things here have shells to protect themselves, including a strange type of woodwoose that has developed an exoskeleton to survive in the woods.
Hidden sea
An underground sea in the Works, that hullians believe could exist.
Testudini's walking fortress
A fortress with four giant protruding tortoise legs, usually found near the Ivy triff. It was once the last giant tortoise, but Testudini keeps it running by means of mysterious primal magic. The fort is a shamble of hills with palisades and hobbit homes combined with a forest of giant trees and tree houses on top.
Two cities divided by a river that feeds into a lake with a floating town in front of both ports where the lawless citizens live.
The Scorched Range
A valley of burnt and barren volcanic stone and glass. Legend has it that once this was fertile land but a ray of scorching heat came to it and systematically burned everything down for several decades, until nothing ever grew there again. Now the Scorched Range attracts undead from all over Dron who seem to be fascinated with the place.
An awakened forest with many awakened trees. Which can be very underwhelming when pilgrims travel there to seek the knowledge of nature.
Mummers trail
A haunted old road where merchants wear masks or faceless monsters steal their faces.
Giants Maze
A dungeon located under the Hags triff in the works that was once the home of a family of cloud giants. It is now home to a symbiotic feud between millitaurs and giant psionic slugs.
Pires, The city of busy undead
A city ruled by a dwarf so obtuse, he has forgone his own death and the death of of his subjects in order to complete his life's desire.