The Hull

Together the geometry of the Hull composes a great icosidodecahedron with towering mountains and low fertile valleys and landmarks. Each of its twenty triangular faces (triffs ) has three mountains at its edges and each if its twelve pentagonal faces form a low valley (crowns

The thirty mountains are called Shards, where each crown is surrounded by five shards that both protect it and isolate it. More dangerous are the areas called triffs on the faces where three shards meet, but some settlements new and old still endure in these inhospitable high places.
There are sixty borders that divide by a straight line a crown from a triff, some borders are frequently traveled, others have garrisons to watch for invaders and others have never been tamed.
Two is The Dron.
Three shards to a triff,
five shards to a crown,
twelve crowns to The Hull.
Two is The Dron.
Three shafts to a vex,
five shafts to a rex,
Twelve shafts to The Works
— Blessing of the Goldseers.

One of the interesting aspects of the outer Hull is that its complex Geomancy structure. There are cartloads of stories about magic beings, good and bad showing up in one of the magical conjunctions at the center of a triff or at the very top of a shard.
The World Is Truncating!
To explain why some ruins from ages past are buried underground or at the very top of a shard, some experts say that the world is in fact, slowly truncating (slowly becomming flatter). Which would mean that the age the Dron is in now is somewhere in the middle of its timeline.
The Works
Most Hull dwellers would be shocked to discover that most of the inhabitants of the world live and die in the Works, Hullians call them Delvers (or slaves), and delvers have bigger problems so they don't care about names.
The cavernous tunnels that have a twofold purpose; keeping the world together and providing it with the elements the Hullians need to survive.