The Crown of Antic
Antic has befallen a terrible curse with a never ending winter. Their people survive mostly by hunting and fishing in the lake and rivers of their crown, but after ten years of the white curse, many believe that the Crown will soon face its bitter end to the hands of starvation and cold.
The two ports that populate this crown are Ashaven and Meadhaven. Ashaven is the bigger port with defensive walls and a hall where the queen does office.
Much of the help and commerce that comes to Antic is by way of the Hollow Shard, that exchanges what little Antic can spare for grain and wonders from Crown Bale.
Queen Meeva Eriksdotter
Is the ruler of both heavens in Antic, she is the youngest of the two daughters of Erik the Ash king who died tragically when the curse started. Both his daughters were still children, and managed as they could during the first years of the Kingless crown.
Her sister Thyra, being the oldest left on a quest to exterminate an ancient evil threat, and came back to find that Meeva had declared herself Queen. To avoid confronting her sister she stepped down from the throne and now seeks and end to the curse on her land.