The Crown of Killey
This crown has been lawless for a very long time, with self sufficient port towns as their main commerce hub, Killley is swarmed by bandits and pirates. The inner sea features a gigantic whirlpool called "The eye" that swallows the sea in the center, the sea is also filled with rocky islands called "Killey's jewels" that seem to appear without warning to strand ships and claim treasure and sailors lives.
Tzkii live in the tropical swamp near the Dreaming triff, and will often kidnap travelers and eat them, or sometimes use their blood magic rituals for a darker purpose.
From the Fools triff there is a ragged mountain range that invades the crown, nothing grows in this wasteland. Few venture into its hills which contain barbarian orc tribes that have invaded any habitable place and are constantly looking out for wanderers to plunder.
Heart Port
Heart Port would be the main settlement at the junction between Hags triff and the Dreaming triff. It features three streets and a promenade facing the sea, there is a public square with a flogging stone, a noose and a stage, all for public use, mostly for those days when the town can finally agree on who to hang.
Enclave Port
Nearest to the Dreaming triff, is the coastal town of Enclave, a noisy and tropical town mostly made of rough wood planks and a small stone fort. The only tavern in town is called the Hook and Scabbard which is run by a gnome called Malkav, who is the owner and barkeep.
Bayonet and Pine Watch
Close to the unnamed triff there are two sister towns, the coastal town of Bayonet and the cliff town of Pine Watch, a few families live and fish near Bayonet, but the constant attacks from voermen from the nearby forests has forced most dwellers to migrate to Pine Watch.
Elven Monastery
Between the Wardens and an unnamed triff there is a scarcely visited elven monastery, which they say was built in the days when the world was young. The monastery stands next to a very old pine tree that is rumored to be even older than the monastery itself.
Winding Shard
Finally there is also the entrance to the dwarven fortress of the Winding Shard, which the dwarves have carved to circle down the mountain starting from an ever flowing fountain at the very top until the mouth of the fortress itself.